Social Value Hub
Welcome to the space where we share thoughts, insights, and practical ideas to create social value.

Benefits of Community Wish Lists and why they deliver Social Value
So, what is a wish list? What are the benefits to your business, the public sector, and the communities they serve? We will answer this and share examples of public sector bodies who have implemented wish lists.
The Power of Public Procurement
The public sector is one of the last to adopt new technologies, but what if it became an early adopter? The impact could be transformational, with a trillion pounds spent on procurement annually.
How can the public sector use social value to build back better?
The UK Government is doing everything it can to help the economy recover from COVID, one thing remains noticeably missing from the steady stream of Treasury announcements, and that’s any reference to social value.
Why the private sector holds the key to climate change
It has been 22 years since the world’s governments first committed to meeting the 2-degree target at Kyoto. Even before we reduced that target to 1.5 degrees, we weren’t going to meet it. A difficult job just became herculean. We have 11 years to make the changes we need to save the world. It took the IPCC 3 years just to write their report. Intergovernmental bodies are slow; geopolitics gets in the way of progress, and policy-making and implementation take time the planet doesn’t have.
How to write a community benefit clause In public sector tenders
The public sector in Scotland spends around £11 billion each year buying everything it needs to run the country. Things like wheelie bins, medicines, fire alarms for buildings, paper for schools, hospital equipment, medicines and stationery. A glance at Public Contracts Scotland, where all public sector contracts are advertised, shows the thousands of goods and services bought daily.
That's a lot of spending power. What would happen if the public sector harnessed some of that power and used it to persuade its suppliers to commit to using their resources to improve the lives of the communities and customers their products serve?